Show subtitles


Season 13 | Season 12 | Season 11 | Season 10 | Season 9 | Season 8 | Season 7 | Season 6 | Season 5 | Season 4 | Season 3 | Season 2 | Season 1


# Episode Amount Subtitles
2x10 The Mysterious Affair at Styles 2 en gr 
2x09 The Adventure of the Western Star 2 en gr 
2x08 The Kidnapped Prime Minister 1  gr 
2x07 The Adventure of the Cheap Flat 2 en gr 
2x06 Double Sin 2 en gr 
2x05 The Disappearance of Mr. Davenheim 2 en gr 
2x04 The Cornish Mystery 2 en gr 
2x03 The Lost Mine 2 en gr 
2x02 The Veiled Lady 2 en gr 
2x01 Peril at End House 1  gr 
All episodes 2 en gr